Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
a humble prayer...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Let you and I be
And stop measuring love
Let us tell ourselves
That we give each other
The best we can.
End the debate
and to save time
lets us just "know" that we love each other.
Let us make this marriage work;
This marriage of opposites
And the countless "you don't love me enough".
And be grateful to God to have given us
A reason to be with each other.
Let us appreciate the humanity in each
And give ourselves the chance to live.
Let us try and see the goodness in each
And worry about the lack in our own self.
Let us ponder over the ties that bond us
And give rest to issues that drift us apart.
Lets us carry each other
To the unseen shores
And the memories to come.
Let You and I be
and celebrate that which holds us together.Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
an ode to TS Eliot
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
- The last temptation is the greatest treason:
To do the right deed for the wrong reason.
- And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you:
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
- In my end is my beginning
-And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
- Between the idea
And the reality
Between the emotion
And the act
Falls the Shadow.
- This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
- Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
- The intolerable wrestle
With words and meanings.
- Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
my friends, my philosophers, my guides...
have had AWSM teachers/ prof during my academic career...wud jst like to metion the ones that have shown me a way to my soul :
Bhalla sir
Upi sir
Ashok sir
Bhelande mam and
Anjali mam
I am blessed to have your memories :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
15 days of cookin :P
Potato Capsicum,
Jeere vaale allu with bread,
Peas Potato,
Bread Butter,
mom's outta town...gotta take up d charge...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
was jst discussin this wid twara....while doin my study on Gandhijis autobiography, i felt this sudden sense of loss and lack. I wondered...have i shared my lifetime with personalities who will be remembered ages after they r dead? i mean the likes of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Gandhi, Tagore, Einstein, Van Gogh, Da vinci etc. etc. ..i can't seem to think of any present day visionary or artist who shall be remembered decades or centuries after his or her death...after thinkin a lot..i cud only come up with Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama, Sachin Tendulkar and Obama...
well its been 24 years of my stay on Earth, i REALLY hope i get to share my stay with some kickass humans!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Memoirs of wt simply wsnt meant 2 b...
so...veg pasta, chicken wings and coke...seemed perfect!..it all went blurrrr aftr i opened the barely there sized pasta box...and wt i saw inside had "doom" written all over it!!! wtf!!! these Dominoes ppl..hv they EVER eaten/seen pasta in life!!??? i felt all d more sorry for Twara as she dznt really like non veg...poor thing...actually poor me..i was d one who had 2 "see" Twara eat that stuff that they claimed to be pasta!! I chose to hog on my chicken wings and try to make it as soothing 4 Twara as possible..Ofcourse v HAD to now get over what v had eaten!!and thats when v decided 2 catch a movie!!
* ..i calld Barr and kicked the shit outta him for ever daring to suggest dominoes pasta 2 me!!from now on..no taking his advice in matters related to human food!!!
so..me and twara headed for inox and decided to watch whichever movie was on ..so..these were our options: "Life Partner"..."Quick gun Murugan"..."Race to witch mountain"...and "Kissan"...cummon!!!WTF!!!
well v looked at each other and v knew instantly that "kissan" and "quick gun Murugan" were not even in d race!! it was now down to "Life Partner" and "Race to witch mountain"..Tough one i must say...then i decided to say smthin profound and this is wt i said.."Twara..a badly made English movie will ANYTIME b better than a Hindi "comedy" film"...Twara seemed to agree..so..."Race to witch mountain" it was..
there was half an hour left 4 d screen to open and v decided to do something dt'll help us prepare for the plunge that v wr bout 2 take....v went 2 CCD and had a chocolate fantasy wid extra chocolate sauce (i tld d waiter that d experience was heavenly)..
We enter the theatre and there it was...my worst nightmare!!Me and Twara had the ENTIRE theatre to ourselves!!now...cummon..i am a weak hearted prsn..u bet i ws freaked...it ws d first time i realised how big a theatre actually is!!then there were the inevitable "vicco" ads..Twara was damn excited bout the whole "havin the theatre to ourselves" thingie....then to my relief sm 6 more morons decided to come and watch the film wid us...i heaved a sigh of relief..but soon...the movie started..
OMG!!!!yes...it was actually the worst English movie i hv EVER seen!i totally take my "profound statement" back!!the experience was...how shud i put it...yes..painful....dts wt it was..utterly painful...and v wr at out wits end figuring out how d hell do v get over wt v had jst seen!!!
thankfully, v decided to sleep over the whole thing and not try to experiment further
ps: the highlights of eve : chicken wings... CCD's heavenly treat and the trailer of "Up" jst b4 d trauma began!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
100% track record
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
i often tell people that i am a BIG movie buff bt i never really thought about movies that have ACTUALLY moved me.....thanks to Yash and the exciting chat v had about our OCDs...i really feel like making a list...a list of movies that have touched a part of my soul.....(no matter how hard i try i can never put them in order of preference...so...it is a random list)
Dead Poet's Society
Forrest Gump
Good Will Hunting
Life is beautiful
The boy in stripped pyjamas
Good night and good luck
A beautiful mind
Revolutionary Road
Citizen Kane
Children of heaven
I am Sam
Shawshank Redemption
Colour Purple
To kill a mocking bird
Taare zameen par
Silence of the lambs
Schindlers list
Green Mile
am sure am missin out hell lotta names here bt atleast i started thinking bout this...will be adding more movies as and when i see the light ...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Chopsticks and more :)
by d way...ek khyaal aa raha hai mann mein 2-3 din se....soch rahi hoon ek cycle khareed loon aur office cycle pe hi aaya kroon...around 2-2.5 kms hai mera office....sounds manageable...plus environment friendly..plus good 4 health..no maintenance cost as sch...mujhe bhi sasta padega....wt say?
always wanted 2 do my bit 4 d betterment of the environment :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
high time now.....gonna start spending on myself now...b'day bhi aa raha hai...soch rahi hoon b'day ki shopping Levis showroom se start kroon :P
lemme c:
Little Italy,
a levis jean
a good massage
Yup..dts bout it.....countdown begins in July....25Aug takk hv 2 strike most things out :)
Happy b'day 2 meeeeeeeeeeeee
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Life is a vicious circle :P
seriously feels like a dream.....mzaaa aagya.. :) kaafi gappein maari....open tempo mein ghoomein :P Pizza hut ka pasta kaafi disappointing tha...guess shud hv gone 2 Dominos....sbse badi baat...i checked my weight in fron of everyone..waaaaah!am proud of me :P
met Bhallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...after a lonnnnnnnng time....feel real lucky
Barr se pehli baar mili...though d beginnin ws a litl odd (4 sm strange reason)...bt v hit it off real well towards the end..he let me mess his hair...jst goes on 2 show how mch he lvs me :P
Anish toh mera dost hai \o/ ... :P..ussko kuch bhi bol deti hoon main...no worries....a damn cute guy..lv his sense of dressing
Raj Singh se bhi pehli baar mili...apan ne khoob gappein maari on my way back 2 Baroda..thodi jhol vaali yaatra rahi (rite from d beginning :P) ..bt it ws awsm hvain him wid me :) "Pandya" bridge dhoondne ki chakkar mein d bus driver almost yelled at him :P
Noni and Ipshita are sweethearts...unke bina toh possible hi nahin hota kuch bhi..thanks buddies :)
Finally...am REALLY glad sbko gifts pasand aa gye.....jst wntd 2 capture the moments..issliye ye post likhi...pls tc :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
God Bless Roger
hey Roger...i wish u are soon blessed wid a lovely child and hope the child brings in immense happiness....God bless u and hope u move from strength to strength..
Friday, June 5, 2009
Day 15
there i was...driving happily wid full on confidence...suddenly this cows head came into picture...as always...as i used to do wid the scooty...pressed the accelerator instead of the break...
saved by an inch....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 12
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 11
Monday, May 25, 2009
AAj main achhe mood mein hoon :P
Barr : Isska real name Rahul Saxena hai...i found him to be a sweetheart and a mighty brave fellow..i hp god blesses him with all the goodness in the world :)
Anish : I thought ye dhhakkan hai :P bt now i realised dt he is very caring....party ki jaan hai ye...he really knows how 2 make burst into laughter....thank u aniiiiiiiiish (the tennis star :P )
Bijin : He thinks he isn't good enff...mere office mein hai...a real sweety pie.....i can never imagine him hurting nyone....mere saath toh this otherwise quiet fellow turns into a chatterbox! i cherish our frendship buddy :)
Twara : Dnt ask me wt her name means :P ..mere office mein hi hai...badi hi pyaari hai..damn talented...isski bhi meri tarhaan zyaada logon se pat ti nahin hai :P bt v two clicked instantly...thank u a ton dahlin 4 being d way u r :) lv sittin nxt 2 u :P
A long overdue post
Thank u all...u mean a lot 2 me :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 9
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 8
Nyway...today d guy took me on a gear changing spree.....hv tried them all...1..2..3..4....i still get lost most of d times..i mean cummon!how can i gv equal attention to the gear thing and to d ppl riding towards me on d road?!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 7
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 6
Well...that driving school guy ws acting a little cheap so i didnt have a very pleasant experience so...well..i would rather skip it..
As far as Day 6 is concerned...i think i am gettin d hang of it now....lesson i learnt 2day...."drive and let drive"
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The curious case of Benjamin Button
"we all end up diapers".....brilliant line!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
wrote this assignment long back
Life is beautiful
Life’s but a walking shadow, a
Poor player
That struts and frets his hour
Upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it
Is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound
And fury,
Signifying nothing.”
-Shakespeare: Macbeth
These words by Shakespeare seem so much apt for what life has become today. There is total sense of chaos. You take up your morning paper & it is as good as reading an obituary column- “Father rapes daughter”, “Nature strikes back: kills thousands”, “Iraq bombed”, “Student commits suicide”, “Mumbai on red alert”. Everything seems to be dying-people, morals, sensitivities, empathy, spirit & of course, love. With everything going upside down, it is almost impossible to think straight. Indeed, something is gravely wrong somewhere. But the deeper questions here are: what & where? It seems as if we know all the questions but no clue as to whom to turn for answers.
Well, to know the answers to all the questions, one needs to be a greater soul. But to live without the answers, to strive in the present for a future unknown, is probably what life is all about. No matter how hard life seems or how severely it hits us, the fact remains that we still want to live. We all fear death & fight actively against it. Have you ever wondered, what is it that keeps life going? What is it that makes us choose life over death? Is it simply because of the survival instinct, which is a natural attribute of our species? If we deeply analyze our responses to these questions, we will realize that there is something more to our will to live than just survival instinct. For some people it could be the impermanence of life that makes them hold on to it while for others it could be the sheer charm of living. For a lot of people, it is the thrill of exploring the unknown that keeps them going. Life’s unpredictability has been aptly expressed in this famous line from the movie Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get!” The fact that we don’t know where life is going to take us next motivates us to keep unraveling it. But for most of us, it’s the love around us that makes this life worth living. The bonds that we share with the people around us, makes this world a better place for us to live in. As the old saying goes- “love makes the world go round”.
To most of us, life seems partly ugly, partly beautiful, partly wonderful, and partly dull. There is sunshine in it but there are clouds too. It’s not always easy to see that clouds have silver linings too. For example, it’s very difficult for a father who has just lost a son, to see the beauty of life. But, what we need to remind ourselves is the fact that opposite values in life are always complimentary. Psychologist Carl Jung tells us, “There are as many nights as days & the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, & the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness”. Likewise, you can praise the beauty of life only when you have been through all that makes it hideous- poverty, disease, sadness etc .The way spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Diametrically opposite values exist in this world & they are complimentary. Like in a circle two points are opposite-only because they exist, the circle can be complete”. Only when you’ve realized this fact, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the fine day amid dingy weather, the beauty of unselfish action amid selfishness, the beauty of friendship amidst indifference. You cannot go through life without experiencing all these.
Life does not begin with birth & end with death. It begins when ‘you’ start living it & ends when you begin to merely exist. Existance is not what our life is all about. To live life to the fullest you need to have a purpose. A purpose serves as a principle around which we organize our lives. In our quest to achieve our desired purpose, we fight against the negativities & focus on our goal. This helps in building a strong will power that in turn helps us to overcome various obstacles. As Tennyson reminds us in his long philosophical poem ‘In Memoriam’, “nothing walks with aimless feet”. The determination & perseverance that we acquire by having a purpose in our mina helps us to discover our full potentials.
When we grow older or as our circumstances change, our priorities do too & with it changes our purpose. For example- a poor man’s purpose would be different from a person who is lonely. Likewise, the needs of a two-year-old child cannot be similar to that of a forty-year-old adult. But in the end one realizes that all that we do in life is to gain happiness. Be it an insect walking on six legs or a human being on four, they all want to be happy. All their acts become means to achieve this end. Happiness does not always depend on having the best or the grandest of things. It comes more from having the contentment to be satisfied with what one has. As John Stuart Mills puts it, “I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them”. When even the little things in life fill you up with joy & wonder, you can’t help but notice how beautiful life is.
Alfred Polage in his following quote shows us the beauty of the little miracles in life that we fail to notice. He says, “It would be a miracle, for example, if I dropped a stone & it rose upwards. But is it no miracle that it falls to the ground?” Isn’t it amazing how little things in life can fill you up with wonder and joy? Moments like calling up an old friend, an unknown person returning your smile, looking at a sleeping baby, listening to your favorite song; make us forget how hard life can be. It’s these simple things in life that make the journey of life worth taking again & again. They make us realize that beauty is manifested wherever life is manifested. All you need to do is open your eyes and see!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
ps: the kid ws the best!
Revolutionary Road
Intense...very intense
Di caprio as deserving as Kate in terms of winning an Oscar!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009

Had my first real encounter wid the colours green and blue......jst came back from a trip to southern India-Trivendrum, Kanyakumari, Thekaddy, Munnar, Allippey, Cochin, B'lore, Mysore and Tirupathi Balaji. the trip ws loooooooooooooooong and involved a lot of travel....was out for bout 2 weeks....the pics that i hv put up here do no justice 2 d speechless beauty i encountered...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Quest 4 knowledge
2) Who sends an sms saying "can't say" in response to a poll?